New, current, or returning students are welcome to use the Jeffries Center Advising & Mentoring services. When our students need to discuss their personal, educational, and career goals they meet with our Student Success Advisors (SSA’s) for support. These staff members are not academic advisors but work with academic advisors to ensure student success. The SSA’s are assigned to a targeted group of students (e.g., first year, Educational Opportunities Program (EOP), and President’s Award Program (PAP)) before classes begin.
Students are introduced to their SSA and to our other academic support and retention services at a special seminar focused on student success during orientation week. Students are encouraged to meet with their Jeffries Center Advisor on a biweekly or monthly basis to monitor their academic progress. While working together the SSA will advocate and guide students to critically think to make informed decisions as they define and achieve academic success.
Illinois students who are not assigned to a Student Success Advisor are encouraged to meet with us during our daily Drop-In Advising & Mentoring hours at the Academic Service Programs building (ASP) located at 1103 W. Oregon Street, Suite E, Urbana, IL, and various campus locations (see schedule below). Students will have the opportunity to meet with a Jeffries Center staff member daily on resources and support for their academic success. Even when a student is excelling academically, we are there to help students reach beyond their coursework to experience all the University has to offer. Students have the option of scheduling a virtual appointment (via Zoom or Teams) or an in-person appointment with a Student Success Advisor.
Drop-In Schedule
Time / Day | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
10:00am – 12:00pm TJC Location |
Josh Brown ASP |
Cory Castenada Turner |
Courtney Bishop ASP |
April Garrison Turner |
1:00pm – 3:00pm Cultural Center |
April Garrison NAH |
Josh Brown La Casa |
Kimberly Eiermann BNAACC Monica Brigham La Casa |
Stephanie Hamilton BNAACC Cory Castenada GSRC |
1:00pm - 3:00pm Virtual Drop-In |
Stephanie Virtual |
Kimberly Virtual |
Cory Virtual |
Monica Virtual |
Courtney & Alejandra Virtual |
Drop-in appointments will occur at the Academic Service Programs building (1103 W. Oregon St., Suite E, Urbana, IL 61801), the Turner Student Services Building (610 E. John St., Suite 130, Champaign IL 61820) OR at the Cultural Houses during embedded hours. Due to high traffic, we encourage students to schedule an appointment for Friday meetings.
Please refer to the schedule above for locations and hours! For the listed Virtual Drop-In Hours, please use this LINK.